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Top 10 offers of the week

TOP by amount
TOP by trend
TOP by prospect

The top offers by the number of conversions (the more leads, the higher the offer is on the list)

Top offers by the conversion growth dynamic over a week (the faster the amount of leads grows, the higher the offer is on the list)

Top offers by the affiliate's interest (the more affiliates visit the offer page, the higher the offer is on the list)


Do you have a hold?
We have a hold for the first payout to check the traffic, the following payments are made without hold.
If I can't get 10 leads approved, but I want to withdraw money, what should I do?
If an affiliate can't get 10 leads approved and wants to receive the first payment, we can only pay for purchased orders. Consequently, the timing of the first payment will be made equal to the time of picking up the products by customers. Information about buyouts is requested no more than once a week.
How often do you make payments?
Every day except weekends.
What payment systems do you make payments to?
We pay out on WebMoney, USDT, Capitalist, Qiwi, YooMoney, legal person`s account and wire transfer. Individual payout formats are available for affiliates with a big amount of traffic.
How could I get access to private offers?
All that you have to do is to be friendly with our support, be able to keep secrets, and work steadily with us for a long period. Of course, we look at the number of leads, buyouts, and the willingness of the affiliate to test public offers before giving access to private ones. However, well-established (and, of course, mutually beneficial) relations matter the most to us.
How often will statistics be updated? (How fast is the lead displayed in the system?)
Statistics are displayed in real-time. The maximum time for displaying the lead in the system is 2 minutes.
What are the restrictions and prohibitions?
We have a strict prohibition for engagement in fraudulent activities. We also recommend canceling test requests by phone or notifying support, so that the anti-fraud system does not signal suspicious activity.
Is it possible to get pre-payments?
We strongly believe that an affiliate shouldn't run out of working capital, so all our payments can be considered as pre-payments.
What is the minimum withdrawal amount?
Minimal amount you can withdraw:
- from USD balance - 1 USD;
- from EUR balance - 1 EUR; - from RUB balance - 100 RUB.
Do you have a referral program?
Revenue from invited referrals:
- 5% in the first month from the date of registration
- 2.5% - 2nd and 3rd months
- 1% - from 4th to 6th months
Do you have personal managers?
Could I listen to recordings of call center conversations?
Yes, you can request conversation recordings via the support team.
I have an idea of an offer that I can run traffic to. Can you help me with this?
Our goal is to launch really cool offers. Therefore, if you have an idea for an offer, we will be happy to consider it and launch the offer on individual terms.
What is the most effective way to keep in touch with you?
We create support chats on Skype or Telegram, where we also add all the support managers. When a question appears, the duty manager gives a prompt response there. You can also send your questions in tickets and by email, but experience has shown that chats are the most convenient and fast method of interaction.


The Taffic Light Team are the good guys and your friends in whatever – from work to spare time! Fortunately, I know them personally and we have developed goodneighborly relations. As the well-known Russian song goes - "perfect neighbors and good friendzzz"!and good friendzzz!

Vitaliy Gavrilov, owner of “Three T” team

Traffic Light has become our main and favourite partner being among the first CPA networks to accept traffic from TikTok. In addition, of course, it’s worth noting that they have an amazing support team that solves the most complicated and controversial issues quickly. Special thanks for quick payments. Recommended both for beginner solo affiliates and experienced teams.

Alexander Marchenko, owner of “Vibe CPA“ team

Traffic Light is our main and the most reliable partner. They have never failed us in terms of payment and they consistently upgrade their interface to improve platform usability. The interface for affiliates is cool: they can run traffic with their accounts, and teamleads can access all statistics and funds of the team. The support team is always there to help, giving precious advices and just having a friendly small talk :) Highly recommended!

Irina Kovalenko, CEO at

We launched a TikTok info course on our platform together and we were happy to work with these guys. Can’t say it all went flawless, but ultimately they've helped to solve all the difficulties with their great expertise and a positive attitude. We only say nothing but good things about them.

Andrew, CEO at CPA Mafia

Nowadays, the number of good product affiliate networks reduces day by day, however, we can recommend Traffic Light with no hesitation! We love it for quick fund withdrawal, high-quality interface design, top offers and other cool stuff! The support team is also worth mentioning: they are really ready to help the beginners and solve technical issues if there’re any.

Anna Verenich, CMO of ZaleyCash service

We’ve been working with TL guys for several years now. This is one of our key partners. Our clients always say that the network’s managers do their best – they can help you with creatives and ad networks, point you in the right direction. In addition, their TikTok affiliate marketing education project is so successful and helpful so it still actual. We’re happy to work with TLight and create a cozy community in the world of affiliate marketing :)

Nurlan Qulan

I’ve been working with Traffic Light for more than half a year, have had no problems whatsoever. They check your traffic before you get the first payout, in my case, it took 7 days. Since then, payouts are available upon request.To me, they really stand out of the crowd of other affiliate networks.
Here’re the things that matter for me:
- Commission-free same-day payouts: they’re so cool;
- Convenient api integration, ready-made landing pages;
- Responsive and quick support team, they are really in touch 24/7;
- They add landing/prelanding pages to the affiliate program within 1-2 days;
- Lots of offers, some of them are top-shelf;
- Bonus store is cool, too, but I have to wait and save lights to try it out :)


Taffic Light is more than just an affiliate network, they are more of a friends to me now :) Have been working with them since 2018. No problems with payouts, quick payout service (one of the fastest among the competitors – that’s a great benefit), a vast variety of public offers and private offers launched exclusively for you, the support team is available 24/7, and may I add - this is one of the best support teams ever, they help with any ad accounts (TT, MT, VK), give advice on how to pass moderation or even try to get your offer approved with no moderation. I recommend this network both to the teams and beginners – these guys can help you to gets started!


Tons of offers for different verticals. Even if you can’t find an offer you need, most likely, they’ll find it for you and add it to the platform very quickly.24/7 professional support. No payout delays. A store with nice stuff for affiliates. No reasons to ignore Traffic Light, I'd say.

Andrey Mediabaerovich

I’m truly happy to work with TLight:) They have wonderful experienced managers, a great selection of EU and exotic offers, user-friendly website interface. No problems with payouts, nice POs. A solid affiliate network, highly recommended:)

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